Board of Directors
The CAFM Board of Directors operates under CAFM’s established Constitution and Bylaws. CAFM’s 10th Board of Directors was elected at its 10th annual conference and meeting on November 1, 2023. At this meeting, a vote of the membership confirmed the expansion of the Board from seven to nine as well as a Chair Emeritus role. This Board will serve until midnight following the 11th annual conference and meeting in 2024:
Chair: Raju Vasamsetti, P.E., CFM
Vice-Chair: Azure Dee Sleicher, P.E., WEDG, CFM
Treasurer: Dave Murphy, P.E., CFM
Secretary: Scott Bighinatti, CFM
At-Large (State): Diane Ifkovic
At Large (Municipal Planning): Janice Plaziak, P.E. (replaced Meredith Badalucca in May 2023)
At-Large (Municipal): Paul Sotnik, P.E.
At-Large: John Truscinski, CFM
At-Large: Richard Dmochowski
Chair Emeritus: Douglas Colter, CFM
Members of the Board can be contacted at the following address:
5 Connecticut Avenue
Norwich, CT 06360
ContactCAFM (at)
In addition, our Committee chairs provide a significant amount of effort to support our association:
Communication Committee Chair: Joseph Canas, P.E., CFM
Event Committee Chair: Diane Ifkovic
Membership Committee Chair: Scott Bighinatti, CFM
If you are interested in serving on a committee, please email ContactCAFM (at)
Our previous Boards of Directors can be found here: Past Boards